

Protein smoothies made from cage-free eggs

Eggs and smoothies don't match? So you may think, but APF has created the perfect product to change your mind and DigiComm has developed the perfect website to represent it.  Fiteg2 just may be on their way to revolutionise the world of healthy eating with their delicious cage-free egg protein smoothies (love you, mango flavour!) and we are happy to be right by their side. 

The challenge

Our team worked its magic across the entire website with this project, handling every element of the design, concept development, animation development and build. It was particularly fun to work on challenges such as a unique menu structure, a wide range of micro-interactions and creative animations, and perhaps the biggest Instagram button we’ve made to date!

Landing page structure and concept

Our client provided the text and visual materials, and a brief to make the landing page ‘fun and moving’. Briefs like this are a gift to talented animators, so our web design team came up with the idea for the recipes block, to really bring the product to life in an immediate, engaging way. With a product like this, animations work perfectly - conveying energy and immediacy and creating a desire to try!



Our design studio devised a light and fresh design which delighted the client and met the needs of the brand’s target audience. By combining this kind of exciting design with animation and movement, the website comes to life in a really fun and action-oriented way, enhancing the much-needed brand awareness.

Page Screenshot

Animation development

Our web design expertise was paired with top-quality animation development that included animation creation, movement and micro-animations to make the landing page stand out from competitor pages and to distinguish this project from other pieces of work we’ve carried out.

The secret to great animation on a website lies in having a clear purpose and strategy for every moving element. It’s not about filling a page with dancing widgets; it’s about bringing key actions and content to life in a way that delights customers and guides them through the content - and our client was delighted that we achieved this for them! Need some proof? Online conversions and visitor metrics are already evidencing the results of our work!

Technical development

Great design can only come alive with a great technical solution. In this area, we are (always) very proud because our solutions not only look good, but they work well too. In this particular case, our developers allowed the design to truly come alive and feel as ‘easy breezy’ as intended. It’s not always an easy job being a tech dev, but their work really underpins everything our design studio does; a true partnership made in digital heaven!


The result

The result was a fun, exciting and completely engaging website that brought the content and brand concept to life in a way that the client had hoped for. The site is already performing for the brand and achieving those all-important conversions - after all, even the prettiest design is useless if it doesn’t result in commercial gains! We like to think we blended the best of everything here, and Fiteg2 agrees!


Honorable Mention Awwwards
Special Kudos CSS Design Awards
UI, UX & Innovation Award CSS Design Awards
Site of the Day Mindsparkle Mag
Site of the Day CSS Winner